Mothers Day Bouquet
This year we are offering up a limited number of Mothers Day bouquets in two simple sizes. They will lean towards the side of a wildflower design and there will be lots of color options at pick up but they will all be growers choice. First come first serve on the color choices. I am trying to keep everything very easy to keep track of and uncomplicated due to the fact that I am also a mother juggling work and family and every year I am learning I have limitations. There are two size options to chose from, Small ($20) and Large ($35). Both options will come wrapped in a Kraft paper sleeve and will contain a mixture of flowers, and greenery. I greatly appreciate all of your support and I can't wait to share the beauty with you! Flowers will be available for farm pick up on Saturday May 11th from 10am-Noon in the farm stand. If you can't come in that time frame please let me know and I'll have your bouquet held back in the cooler.